

MADRASAH QAMARUL HUDA is a theological education institution established in order to develop Muslim faith and leadership amongst the younger generation of this ummah. Its mission is to provide worldclass education and training that is rooted in the rich intellectual heritage of Islamic civilisation.

MQH is accepting applications for its Hifz classes and 5-Year Alimah Course in Classical Islamic Studies. Our Alimah programme is rooted in authentic Islamic scholarship and engaged with the pressing issues of our time. It allows students to remain true to their own tradition while also exploring how it relates to urgent contemporary challenges, such as the development of science and technology, relations between different religions and cultures, environmental change, conflict over natural resources, and many others.


MADRASAH QAMARUL HUDA is focussed on the development of scholarship and teaching that unites the traditional Islamic sciences with the expertise and knowledge of modern practices. This is not only an obvious need within the contemporary Muslim community, but a process entirely in keeping with the dynamic processes of intellectual and cultural renewal throughout Muslim history.


The Core Alimiyah Curriculum will be taught by qualified Alimahs and Aalim with an appropriately high level of familiarity with and competence in the Islamic sciences as traditionally understood and practiced. The Contextual Knowledge and Skills modules will be taught by other Academic Staff of MQH and Visiting Lecturers.